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Getting A Temporary (Nonimmigrant) Visa

If you want to come to the United States on a temporary basis, whether that is for work, to visit or for medical reasons, you will want to get a nonimmigrant visa. While they are very helpful for a temporary stay in the country, you cannot use a nonimmigrant visa if you want to hold a permanent residence in the country. With a nonimmigrant visa, you simply gain the right to stay lawfully in the United States on a temporary basis. It does not allow you to vote here or get a new job here.

Securing a nonimmigrant visa can be complicated. The legal team of Empire Immigration Law, PLLC is here for you to get this done the right way and help you to avoid any hang-ups. The firm’s attorney, Ramon Irizarry, has devoted more than a decade to mastering the nuances of U.S. immigration law. He understands the intricacies of the many kinds of visas.

Mr. Irizarry is here to make this entire process smoother and give you peace of mind – not to add stress to your life. Based in Buffalo, New York, he offers free initial consultations. Call 888-606-3005 to get your questions answered.

Applying For A Nonimmigrant Visa

In order for you to be granted a nonimmigrant visa, you need to be able to prove that you are within the guidelines that would allow you to apply. The United States is very strict when it comes to eligibility and admissibility requirements. In terms of visa eligibility, you need to be able to show that you are coming to the United States for one of the following reasons:

  • You are here for work
  • You need medical care
  • You are a tourist
  • You are coming for family
  • You are involved in a foreign exchange program
  • You are getting an education in the U.S.

Depending on which reason why you are coming to the United States, you are going to have to apply for a specific visa as they each have their own codes. Mr. Irizarry can help you figure out which visa code specifically applies to your situation. Furthermore, he can help you with the whole process, including the application and any extensions or issues you have while in the United States.

Applying For A Visa From Your Home Country

If you are still in your home country while you are applying for your nonimmigrant visa, you will go through something called “consular processing” for your application process. The way this usually gets done is that your lawyer in the U.S. works closely with a liaison who is typically a family member or future employer who is already in the U.S.

The reason you will need to go through the consular processing for your petition if you are in your home country is because your application needs to go through the Department of State and not the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). It is common for there to be challenges with backlogs as well as limited access to files, meaning the process can take longer. The way you can make sure that you are doing this all correctly is to have the help of a skilled immigration lawyer such as Ramon Irizarry.

Getting A Student Visa

If you are not a citizen of the United States, and you would like to go to school here, you can get a student visa to let you get your education here lawfully. Again, this is a nonimmigrant visa that is going to grant you temporary access. It will not let you stay here permanently.

You can, however, eventually move toward a green card and eventually citizenship if you qualify through a family member or through an employment opportunity.

The people who most commonly apply to get a student visa are individuals who want to go to a college or university in the U.S. and stay here with this visa until their enrollment is up. After you get your acceptance for your school, then you can be approved by the Student Exchange or a Visitor Program. You might want to have a liaison that is already in the country to help you through this. You will likely have to go through the interview process, as that is mandatory for anyone who is between the age of 14 and 79. Mr. Irizarry is here to help you through this process.

Visa Waiver Versus B Tourist Visa

These are two possible ways to enter the U.S. temporarily for vacation or business purposes. Empire Immigration Law, PLLC can help you figure out which option for entry into the United States is best for you, depending on what you are coming for and how long you want to be here.

Visa Waiver

There are only about 40 countries in the world that participate in the Visa Waiver program that lets you come to the United States as a tourist with just your plane ticket and your passport. This program essentially lets you, as the name implies, waive the visa requirement. You would not have to visit the embassy or apply for any visa. This gives you 90 days in the country that cannot be granted any extensions or conversions. The exception to that rule is that if you ended up getting married to a United States citizen during the 90 days, which may let you stay in order to get a green card through marriage (provided you pursue the right process).

B Tourist Visa

If you already know that 90 days is not going to be enough time for you to be in the United States, or if your country doesn’t participate in the Visa Waiver program, you will have to file for a B visa. There are two subcategories of the B visa:

  • B-1 is the business variation
  • B-2 is the tourist visa

In order to get either of these visas, you need to go to the U.S. Embassy in your home country. You have to apply and submit your plan to them regardless of why you are going to be in the country.

Mr. Irizarry is here to help you through this process. He can help you with any further immigration matters that you need help with, as well.

U Visas For Victims Of Domestic Abuse

Every year, there are 10,000 U visas reserved by the USCIS for those who are victims of crimes (particularly violent crimes). Far too many people have become victims of crimes including abuse, sex trafficking, assault, kidnapping and more. If you are someone who has become a victim of these types of crimes, we can help you apply for a U visa that requires you to work with law enforcement and requires you to fill out form I-918, which you can typically find at any local police department.

You will need to have documents from law enforcement for you to be able to file for this limited visa. In order for you to be eligible for the U visa, you have to have gone to the police. Unfortunately, if you do not have this documentation, you will not be able to have your I-918 form signed off on.

It is completely up to law enforcement whether or not the I-918 form gets signed. If you are worried about this, please also note that if your case has gone through courts, judges, or prosecution, they all might be able to sign the form and help you. Further, Empire Immigration Law, PLLC has the resources to guide you through this process.

If you get the U visa, you will also have three years of a valid work permit that can help you get a social security card as well as a driver’s license. Once the three years expire, then you can file to adjust your immigrant status to get a green card (lawful permanent residency). You may also eventually qualify for U.S. citizenship.

Once You Have Your Visa: Avoiding Trouble During Your Stay Here

If you are going to be traveling in the United States with your nonimmigrant visa, avoid trouble by making sure that you have the following things with you at all times:

  • Your passport from home
  • Your entry visa attached to your passport
  • Your I-94 form

You need to keep an eye on when your visa expires, too. Some can expire as soon as 90 days, some as long as 10 years, while a student visa expires when you are no longer enrolled in the school you came here to attend.

When you work with Empire Immigration Law, PLLC, attorney Irizarry will be by your side through the whole process to help you fully comprehend what you need to know so you can avoid getting into trouble with the law during your temporary stay.

Learn More About Your Nonimmigrant Visa Options During A Free Consultation

If you are looking for help with a nonimmigrant visa or guidance on your immigration options, please get in contact with Empire Immigration Law, PLLC as soon as possible. Mr. Irizarry can help you with this and any other immigration concerns that you may have. Call 888-606-3005 or reach out online today to get started with an initial consultation at no charge.