On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Apr 25, 2022 | Adjustment of Status, Empire Immigration Law Blog
Do you have questions about adjustment of status ineligibility? Watch this video for guidance, then contact our Buffalo attorneys today.
Who Can’t Do an Adjustment of Status?
Not that long ago, we received a phone call from a potential client. She wanted to gain lawful status here in the United States, and so we talked about potential forms of relief and ways in which she would be able to remain lawfully in the United States. We were able to identify one way that she can remain here, but, unfortunately, adjustment of status was not one of those ways that she could remain here. The question came up, “Who is not eligible for adjustment of status?”
People who are not eligible for adjustment of status are people who cannot prove that they are eligible to receive this form of relief, for example, people who cannot prove that they have a qualifying U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident family member. Also, people who did not enter the United States lawfully cannot adjust their status to become permanent residents. People who have certain criminal convictions can never become permanent residents here in the United States. Finally, people who have prior orders of removal or past immigration violations cannot adjust to become permanent residents.
Do you or your loved one need help with immigration related legal matters and have questions about an adjustment of status ineligibility? Contact our experienced New York immigration lawyers today for a free consultation and case evaluation.