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New York Deportation Guide

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Feb 28, 2021 | Deportation, Empire Immigration Law Blog The New York Deportation Guide was created by Empire Immigration Law to help answer common questions you may have about the immigration process. Call our lawyers for a consultation. The fear of deportation can weigh heavy on your

New York Green Card Guide

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Mar 20, 2021 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Green Card The New York Green Card Guide was created by Empire Immigration Law to help answer common questions you may have about the immigration process. Call our lawyers for a consultation. If you are looking for help getting

New York Naturalization Guide

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Apr 10, 2021 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Naturalization The New York Naturalization Guide was created by Empire Immigration Law to help answer common questions you may have about the immigration process. Call our lawyers for a consultation. Are you looking to become a naturalized citizen in

New York Immigration Guide

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | May 4, 2021 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration The New York Immigration Guide was created by Empire Immigration Law to help answer common questions you may have about the immigration process. Call our lawyers for a consultation. Are you in need of an immigration lawyer to

3 Commonly Asked Immigration Questions

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | May 31, 2021 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration Do you need help with immigration related legal matters and have questions? Check out these 3 commonly asked immigration questions, then call our lawyer now. 1. How does an undocumented immigrant become a citizen? Our office was contacted

Differences Between Naturalization and a Green Card

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Jun 7, 2021 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Green Card Would you like to know the differences between naturalization and a Green Card? Check out this video and then call our New York immigration attorney. Question: What is the difference between a green card and naturalization? Answer:

3 Green Card Questions

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Jun 15, 2021 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Green Card Have you applied for citizenship and have questions about green cards? Check out these 3 green card questions that are often asked. Call us 1. What Should I Do if My Green Card is About to Expire?

Applying for Asylum Outside of the States

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Sep 13, 2021 | Asylum, Empire Immigration Law Blog Learn what you should know if you have questions about applying for asylum outside of the states in this video. Then, call our lawyer today. Question: Do I need to be in the United States to apply for asylum? Answer:

What Immigration Challenge Are You Facing?