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Looking For an Immigration Bond? Don’t Make These Mistakes

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Oct 18, 2021 | Immigration, Immigration Bond Are you looking for an immigration bond? Don’t make these mistakes and ruin your immigration claim. You need a lawyer. Give us a call today. Hiring an Attorney for an Immigration Bond Just the other day we received a phone call from

What You Should Know About Your Naturalization Claim

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Nov 30, 2021 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Naturalization Are you applying for permanent residency and have questions about what you should know about your naturalization claim? Give us a call today. Hiring an Attorney to Become a U.S. Citizen The other day, our office received a phone call

How An I-751 Petition Can Help

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Dec 13, 2021 | Adjustment of Status, Empire Immigration Law Blog Did you marry a U.S. citizen and want to remove your conditions of residence? Watch this video to learn how an I-751 petition can help you. Question: What is an I-751 Petition? Answer: Recently, we received a phone

Seeking Asylum in the United States

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Jan 3, 2022 | Asylum, Empire Immigration Law Blog Did you receive asylum in the United States and need help bringing your family over? Watch this video about family reunification for aslyees. Question: Can I bring my family members to the U.S. if I am seeking asylum? Answer: We

What You Should Know About Immigration

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Jan 10, 2022 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration Do you or your loved one need help with immigration related legal matters? Here is what you should know about immigration. Call our lawyer now! 1) Losing Citizenship from Moving Abroad Recently, we helped a client obtain naturalization, and she

Receiving a Notice to Appear

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Jan 17, 2022 | Deportation, Empire Immigration Law Blog Do you have questions about receiving a notice to appear from DHS? Watch this video for guidance, then call our New York lawyer to get started. Question: What is a notice to appear for deportation? Answer: We receive a lot

What To Expect When Obtaining a Green Card

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Jan 24, 2022 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Green Card Do you have questions about what to expect when obtaining a green card? Contact our Buffalo immigration lawyer to get started on your claim. 1) Differences Between a Green Card and Naturalization A question that comes up a lot

6 Family Based Immigration Tips For You

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Jan 31, 2022 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Family Based Immigation If you are looking to lawfully reside in the United States permanently? Read our 6 family based immigration tips for you, then call us today! 1) Sponsoring a Stepchild A client contacted us, telling us his wife has

What Immigration Challenge Are You Facing?