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Denied an Immigration Bond

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Feb 7, 2022 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration Bond Have you been denied an immigration bond in New York? Watch this video to learn what you need to do if you find yourself in this situation. Question: What can I do if I am denied an immigration bond?

5 Common Naturalization Questions

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Feb 14, 2022 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Naturalization Are you applying for permanent residency and have questions about naturalization? Check out these 5 common naturalization questions. Call us! 1) Do I Need a Lawyer to Apply for US Citizenship? The other day, our office received a phone call

What To Do When Seeking Asylum

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Feb 28, 2022 | Asylum, Empire Immigration Law Blog Do you need help with asylum related legal matters and have questions about what to do when seeking asylum? Contact our Buffalo attorney now. 1) Asylum to Green Card We had a client recently who won asylum. Afterwards, she came

Cancellation of Removal for a Permanent Resident in Buffalo

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Mar 7, 2022 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration Have you received removal proceedings? Watch this video about cancellation of removal for permanent resident in Buffalo, then contact us now. Question: Am I Eligible for Cancellation of Removal if I am a Lawful Permanent Resident? Answer: Our office represents

Commonly Asked Deportation Questions

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Mar 14, 2022 | Deportation, Empire Immigration Law Blog Do you need help with deportation related legal matters? Read the answers to our commonly asked deportation questions, then give us a call. Will I be deported if someone tips ICE off that I’m illegally in the U.S.? We receive

Denied Green Card Application

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Mar 28, 2022 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Green Card Were you applying for citizenship but you have a denied green card application? Watch this video to learn the reasons it can happen. Call us. Question: Why would a green card application be denied? Answer: We received a phone

4 Family Immigration Tips That May Help Your Case

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Apr 4, 2022 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Family Based Immigration If you are looking to lawfully reside in the U.S. permanently, check out our 4 family immigration tips that may help your case. Call us now! 1) Applying for Permanent Residency Recently, we received a phone call from

Eligibility Requirements For an Immigration Bond

On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Apr 11, 2022 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration Bond Are you looking to get an immigration bond in New York? Watch this video to learn about the eligibility requirements for an immigration bond. Question: What are the eligibility requirements to receive an immigration bond? Answer: Recently we received

What Immigration Challenge Are You Facing?