On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | May 4, 2021 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration The New York Immigration Guide was created by Empire Immigration Law to help answer common questions you may have about the immigration process. Call our lawyers for a consultation. Are you in need of an immigration lawyer to
On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | May 31, 2021 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration Do you need help with immigration related legal matters and have questions? Check out these 3 commonly asked immigration questions, then call our lawyer now. 1. How does an undocumented immigrant become a citizen? Our office was contacted
On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Jul 26, 2021 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration Do you have questions regarding immigration in the United States? Check out these 3 immigration tips for guidance, then call our attorney. 1. Losing Citizenship from Moving Abroad Recently, we helped a client obtain naturalization, and she was
Considering Pursuing Asylum In The United States? Are you seeking asylum in the U.S. from your home country? Wondering if you’re even eligible for asylum? Lawyer Ramon Irizarry at Empire Immigration Law, PLLC can help you with all aspects of this process. Based in Buffalo, New York, Mr. Irizarry is
On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Sep 20, 2021 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration Do you or your loved one need help with immigration related legal matters? Read these 5 immigration tips, then contact our Buffalo lawyer now. 1) Immigration Parole In our detain practice, we discuss all of the possibilities and all of
On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Oct 18, 2021 | Immigration, Immigration Bond Are you looking for an immigration bond? Don’t make these mistakes and ruin your immigration claim. You need a lawyer. Give us a call today. Hiring an Attorney for an Immigration Bond Just the other day we received a phone call from
On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Jan 10, 2022 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration Do you or your loved one need help with immigration related legal matters? Here is what you should know about immigration. Call our lawyer now! 1) Losing Citizenship from Moving Abroad Recently, we helped a client obtain naturalization, and she
On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law | Mar 7, 2022 | Empire Immigration Law Blog, Immigration Have you received removal proceedings? Watch this video about cancellation of removal for permanent resident in Buffalo, then contact us now. Question: Am I Eligible for Cancellation of Removal if I am a Lawful Permanent Resident? Answer: Our office represents
On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law, PLLC | Jul 11, 2022 | Immigration Moving to a new country is challenging, primarily because of cultural differences. Being able to adjust to those can take time, but knowing about some of them ahead of time is beneficial. Understanding these cultural norms can help you to feel more at home
On Behalf of Empire Immigration Law, PLLC | Aug 31, 2022 | Immigration When you’re thinking about going abroad to study, you might think that it goes without saying that you’ll be able to get a visa if you’re accepted to the program. The truth is that getting a student visa is not always easy.
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